Monday, March 16, 2009

Something Old, Something New...

...something borrowed, something blue. You know the line. I haven't figured out exactly what will fit each description, but I do plan on fulfilling the rhyme! One thing I know for sure is this will be my something old (or one of my "something old"s). baby bonnet!

I hope I get this story right (and Mom, correct me if I'm wrong!) My Mom's best friend (also Ashley's future Mother-in-Law) made this bonnet for me when I was a baby, but it is made out of a handkerchief. The design of it is to be a bonnet for me when I was a baby, and a hankie for me to hold when I walk down the aisle. Precious, no?

(***CORRECTION: My Mom made this baby bonnet for me and I wore it home from the hospital! Even more special! :) Sorry Mom!)

Do you have any "something old" items you are incorporating into your wedding day?


  1. Just have a look at my blog ;-)
    But this something old is so special that nothing can keep up with it...

  2. Right, except...I made it.

  3. Oh...and you wore it home from the hospital.

    mom again

  4. Whooops!!! Sorry Mom!!! Glad you straightened that one out! :) Love youuu.

  5. I just received one of these for our baby boy due 7/3. It comes with a sweet poem:

    An Heirloom

    A tiny square of linen
    And a dainty edge of lace,
    Designed into a bonnet,
    To frame your baby’s face.

    After baby’s worn it
    Fold and tuck away...
    And it becomes a hanky
    For your daughter’s Wedding Day.

    Or if the baby is a boy,
    On the day he marries
    This can be the “something old”
    His joyful bride will carry.
